Category : Society

640 results were found for the search for Society

NIA raid on cultural and trade union activist Kaladas Dahriya is to criminalise everyday activism

The Indian State’s attack on a renowned cultural, trade union and human rights activist, like Kaladas Dahriya, has only one purpose: to criminalise everyday activism and cause a larger chilling effect. The immediate reason behind this crackdown is that Kaladas, along with various civil society organisations in Bhilai, under the banner of Jan Sangarsh Morcha, […]

Feminists demands public apology from ICAI over their misogynistic and discriminatory conduct

Feminists in Resistance (FIR), a feminist group based in Kolkata, has written an OPEN LETTER to the Director of ICAI, strongly condemning the extremely painful, shamefully misogynistic, terrifying, discriminatory and regressive attitude of ICAI towards its female students, members, fellows, colleagues and staff, and has demanded a public apology and an assurance that such an […]

One Year of Injustice: SAU Students Demands Revocation of Arbitrary Suspensions of Two Faculty Members

It’s been one year now that the two faculty members are under suspension for questioning the undemocratic, insensitive and whimsical manner in which the South Asian University (SAU), Delhi, administration treated the peaceful student protest inside the university campus. The students at the university has demanded immediate revocation of the arbitrary suspensions.   Groundxero | July 17, […]

কৃষক আন্দোলন ও গণ আন্দোলনে মহিলাদের ভূমিকা: পাঞ্জাবে কীর্তি কিসান ইউনিয়নের মহিলা শাখার কনভেনশন

১৫ জুলাই পাঞ্জাবের কীর্তি কিসান ইউনিয়ন-এর মহিলা শাখা এক সারা দিনব্যাপী কনভেনশন-এর আয়োজন করে। মূলত মহিলা কৃষক এবং যাঁরা কৃষিকাজের সঙ্গে যুক্ত এমন মহিলা কৃষি-শ্রমিকদের মধ্যে, কেন্দ্রে বিজেপি সরকারের যে কর্পোরেটমুখী কৃষিনীতি, তার কুফল বিষয়ে সচেতনতা বাড়ানো এবং আরও বেশি সংখ্যক মহিলাকে আন্দোলনের শরিক করে তোলার উদ্দেশ্যেই এই কনভেনশনের আয়োজন করা হয়। সুদর্শনা চক্রবর্তীর প্রতিবেদন।   […]

Maharashtra Public Security Bill aims to legitimise the criminalisation of dissenting citizens, human rights defenders and political opponents : PUCL

The Maharashtra government on July 11 tabled in the state assembly the Maharashtra Special Public Security Bill, 2024, to deal with the “increasing presence of Naxalism in urban centres”.  The Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Law and Judiciary of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis justified the Bill by saying that “menace of Naxalism is not only […]

Conviction of Medha Patkar – a weaponisation of law to silence, censors and intimidate critics: PUCL

PUCL said that the conviction of Medha Patkar for defamation is a timely reminder of the serious danger that the criminal law on defamation poses for human rights activists, environmental activists, anti-corruption activists and whistleblowers.   Groundxero | July 05, 2024   A Delhi Court has convicted Medha Patkar, one of India’s most renowned social activists, […]

You Saved Julian Assange

After 14 years of persecution, Julian Assange will go free. We must honor the hundreds of thousands of people across the globe who made this happen.   By CHRIS HEDGES Jun 26   The dark machinery of empire, whose mendacity and savagery Julian Assange exposed to the world, spent 14 years trying to destroy him. […]

Even as Julian Assange’s Release Celebrated, Deep Worries Remain for Press Freedom

“Make no mistake, the vital work of national security journalists will be more difficult today than it was yesterday.”   By JESSICA CORBETT Jun 25, 2024   Amid celebrations that a plea deal with the United States resulted in the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from a British prison, press freedom advocates on Tuesday continued to raise […]

Killings and Fake Encounters by Assam Forest Department in Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary

The deaths of Jaliluddin and Sameeruddin underscore the issue of fake encounters orchestrated by the forest department across protected areas in India. Such actions not only violate human rights but also undermine trust in conservation efforts, perpetuating a cycle of fear and resistance among local communities.    Public Statement on Killings and Fake Encounters by […]


Increased institutions’ fees coupled with diminishing Government investment in Higher Education are further alienating and marginalizing poorer students. Federalism at large is under tremendous onslaught in recent times. The powers and purview of State Governments are getting trampled upon from the Centre and the NAAC process is only another such weapon (along with weapons like […]

বিশ্ব পরিবেশ দিবস পালনে কী আসে যায়? আসল প্রশ্ন হল: পৃথিবী কি বিলুপ্ত হতে চলেছে? শেষের সেদিন কি ঘনিয়ে আসছে?

বিশ্বের পরিবেশ সঙ্কট আসলে অতি গভীর। পৃথিবীর গভীর অসুখ এখন। ধুমধাম করে কয়েক হাজার বৃক্ষরোপণের টোটকা দিয়ে তার প্রতিকার অসম্ভব। এই সঙ্কট থেকে বেরোতে হলে বিনাশ ঘটাতে হবে বর্তমান পুঁজিবাদী ব্যবস্থার। বেদনাদায়ক হল, মানুষের মধ্যে সেই ধরনের সচেতনতা খুবই স্বল্প, অকিঞ্চিৎকর। তাই মানবজগত আজ বিলুপ্তির মুখে দাঁড়িয়ে পড়েছে কি না এই প্রশ্ন ওঠা অসঙ্গত নয়।  […]

The Slow-Motion Execution of Julian Assange Continues

The ruling by the High Court in London permitting Julian Assange to appeal his extradition order leaves him languishing in precarious health in a high-security prison. That is the point.   By CHRIS HEDGES May 21, 2024     The decision by the High Court in London to grant Julian Assange the right to appeal […]

Over 9,600 children imprisoned in adult jails in 6 years

“Only tiny proportion of reality”: Over 9,600 children imprisoned in adult jails in 6 years reveals a RTI study.   Groundxero | May 17, 2024   A recent right-to-information-based report, titled Incarceration of Children in Prisons in India, has found at least 9,681 children were wrongly incarcerated in adult prisons in between 1st January, 2016, to 31st […]