Category : Society

666 results were found for the search for Society

The Murder of Mukesh Chandrakar: Why Independent Journalists See a Chilling Message

We should keep a track of this case as the perpetrator with solid political and financial background may go free after sometime. Sudarshana Chakraborty reports on the case after talking to independent journalists and activists from Bastar.   The New Year started on an ominous note for independent journalists in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district. Even as the […]

Arrest of Trade Union leader Baccha Singh: CASR calls it “a crackdown on activists to intimidate or jail them without material evidence”

CAMPAIGN AGAINST STATE REPRESSION (CASR) has condemned the arbitrary arrest of the trade union leader Baccha Singh, calling his arrest as part of a crackdown on anti-displacement, labour, farmer and student activists to intimidate or jail them without material evidence, in a bid to suppress the people’s growing demand of a just and better society. […]

Two Films And Some Dialogues On Marriage

Amma’s Pride and If (in Bengali ‘Jodi’) – a documentary and a short film respectively, were screened at Dialogues: Calcutta International Film & Video Festival 2024 on 30th November and 1st December at the iconic single screen cinema hall ‘Basusree’ in Kolkata.    The themes of both these films are ‘marriage’. Though different in forms, both […]

লিঙ্গভিত্তিক হিংসার পরিসরে প্রতিবন্ধী নারীদের দৃশ্যমানতার অভাব: মেলে না আইনি সহায়তা, ন্যায়

প্রতিবন্ধকতাযুক্ত মহিলাদের সঙ্গে ঘটতে থাকা লিঙ্গভিত্তিক হিংসার চিত্রটি বাস্তব। অথচ লিঙ্গভিত্তিক হিংসার বিরুদ্ধে আন্দোলনে, সমীক্ষায় বাদ পড়ে যান তাঁরা। লিখলেন সুদর্শনা চক্রবর্তী।   উদাহরণ ১   ১৯ বছরের লতা (নাম পরিবর্তিত) হেমব্রম ঝাড়ঝন্ডের এক প্রত্যন্ত গ্রামের বাসিন্দা। লতার প্রতিবন্ধকতা উচ্চতাজনিত, তিনি ‘বামন’। বাড়িতে রয়েছেন মা, বাবা, বোন, দাদা, বৌদি। সপ্তম শ্রেণী পর্যন্ত পড়েছেন। খুবই ইচ্ছে থাকা […]

Recent Incidents in Bastar (2024): A Fact Sheet by PUCL

The year 2024 has been one of the deadliest in Bastar. Security forces reported over 235 killings since December 2023. Villagers have contested many of these “encounter” killings, alleging staged executions. PUCL (Chhattisgarh) has released a fact sheet on the recent incidents in Bastar (2024).   Overview   Bastar has become one of the most heavily militarized […]

Concerns Arising From The Suicide of Atul Subhash: A Feminist Response

The debates surrounding the tragic suicides of Atul Subhash and police constable, Tippanna Alagur in Karnataka has given space for irrational and dangerous fears being unleashed by men’s rights organisations and a sensational media about “greedy and exploitative” women, and betray an ignorance of the processes of law in addition to a denial of violent […]

Hate Speech by A Sitting HC Judge; Will the Supreme Court Take Action?

The mainstream media has described his remarks as controversial, contentious, or unbecoming of a HC judge etc., but in reality they are nothing short of hate speech against the Muslims, and hence criminal in nature.   By Anil Kumar 10 Dec., 2024   Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav, a sitting Judge of the Allahabad High Court, […]

Delhi’s annual air pollution has become a human-made calamity

The risk of pollution is increasing. Central and state authorities blame each other and there is a lack of political will to address the problem. Individual people seem unwilling to take responsibility and stop polluting.   By Komali Kantamaneni, University of Central Lancashire and Sigamani Panneer, Jawaharlal Nehru University   Delhi’s air pollution is so […]

The Mirabal Sisters’ Rebellion and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Sixty four years ago, on November 25, 1960, three women activists — the Mirabal Sisters (Minerva, Patria and Maria Teresa) — were killed by agents of the government of the Dominican Republic, then under the dictatorship of General Rafael Trujillo. The sisters were leading critics and opponents of Trujillo’s dictatorial regime, and inspired by Fidel Castro and […]

How women’s basic rights and freedoms are being eroded all over the world

If the world can tolerate the Taliban’s abuses, Iraq’s restrictive laws and the US restrictions on abortion access, it reveals the fragility of women’s and girls’ rights globally, and how easy it is to take them away.   Hind Elhinnawy, Nottingham Trent University   From Iraq to Afghanistan to the US, basic freedoms for women […]

How Fossil Fuel Companies Profit from Genocide 

“The fossil fuel industry is not just destroying our climate—it’s actively profiting from genocide”, said Oil Change International campaigner Allie Rosenbluth. She said that the U.S. continues to be a key supplier of JP8 jet fuel to Israel, which is crucial for its military operations. She added “This isn’t just business—it’s complicity in mass atrocities.” […]

250+ Activists Call For Immediate Release of J&K’s Environmental Defenders

Over 250 activists from across India call for immediate release of Jammu and Kashmir’s 6 social and environmental activists who were arbitrarily detained under the Public Safety Act (PSA). They called on people to support democratic and peaceful movements for safeguarding ecology in J&K and the entire Himalayan region.   Groundxero | Nov. 12, 2024   More […]

Arbitrary Detentions and Intimidation of Social & Environmental Activists in Jammu & Kashmir

Five social and environmental activists have been detained under the provisions of J&K Public Safety Act in Kishtwar district for allegedly attempting to “obstruct” the construction of hydropower projects in Chenab Valley. The National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM) has called the detention of these activists, who have only been advocating for the protection of local […]

Adivasi Villagers Resist Cutting of Trees in Hasdeo Forest, One Youth Injured in Police Lathicharge

Adivasi villagers protesting against the forcible illegal deforestation in the Parsa Coal Mine in Hasdeo forests of Chhattisgarh were brutally lathi-charged by the police. Ramlal Kariyam, an activist of Hasdeo Bachao Sangharsh Samiti, and many protesting adivasi villagers were seriously injured.    Groundxero | October 17, 2024   Protesting felling of trees for Parsa coal mine in Hasdeo forests […]