Tag : Panchayats Extention to Scheduled Areas (PESA)

2 results were found for the search for Panchayats Extention to Scheduled Areas (PESA)

Pathalgadi Movement: Among the Protesting Voices

Documenting a popular movement often drags you into the movement practices and even if one doesn’t want, the nature of movement makes it impossible for the researcher to remain impartial. However, if remaining impartial means remaining reactionless and numb, I do not want to assume that objective neutrality. Whenever I have studied the politics of […]

People’s Response: Movements try to stop mining and deforestation

Social movements to protect the Indian forests have so far focussed more on the implementation of the Forest Rights Act (FRA) than anything else. The ‘new’ struggles view the implementation of the FRA more as a long-drawn people’s struggle for control of forests rather than a statist process. Writes Soumitra Ghosh.     Social movements […]