“Workers’ Rights Manifesto” – 2024

  • April 8, 2024

The suggestions and demands given in this ‘Workers’ Rights Manifesto’ have emerged from the discussions held over the past few months with many organisations and worker groups in their work areas.


Groundxero | April 8, 2024


The preamble of our constitution mentions the values of justice, liberty, equality, fraternity, dignity, secularism and socialism. These are inspiring values that should direct the progress of the country. However, with the fast pace of development in the country and the world, workers have been left far  behind. The concern for the rights and dignity of workers has reduced considerably in our policy making institutions. The workers are being considered only as a tool to speed up development and production. There is hardly any discussion about their ownership and share in this development and production, though, it is well known that all development and production take place due to the hard  work of workers. There are very few laws for workers in the unorganised sector in the country, and even those that exist are not being followed and implemented properly. 94-95% of the workers in the  country are in the unorganised sector. Even among these, about half are self-employed workers. The situation of workers in the so-called organised sector has also changed. Earlier, they used to get some benefit from most of the labour laws, but now even these laws are being changed and most of the labourers are being hired on contract, for short term and informally.


The suggestions and demands given in this ‘Workers’ Rights Manifesto’ have emerged from the discussions held over the past few months with many organisations and worker groups in their work areas. These are being presented to all labour organisations, their allies, the government and elected public representatives for action in the near future.


1. Laws and the Constitution 


 I. Anti-worker new labour codes brought to replace old labour laws should be withdrawn/cancelled.

 II. Any change in labour laws should be considered valid only through a referendum among the workers.

III. Seats should be reserved for labourers in Parliament. Workers do not have a presence in the current national parliament and hence, the parliament is not very capable of representing them. Seats should also be reserved for labourers in Legislative Assemblies, legislative councils, Local Governments, District Panchayats and Gram Panchayats.


IV. There should be a provision for a separate electorate for labourers. 

V. The yardstick of every policy of the government should be what direct benefit it will bring to the workers and how the workers will be directly involved in the implementation and management of that policy. 

VI. Arrangements for positive support in favour of workers should be made in labour courts. Labour organisations should be given a decisive role in appointing judges in labour courts.


VII. The existing labour laws should be strictly followed and no industry/trade or special economic zone or national manufacturing sector should be considered outside the labour laws and no exemption should be given to them in the matter of labour laws.


VIII. The anti-labour changes being made in the labour laws should be stopped and reversed and changes should be made to protect the interests of the workers by conducting a proper dialogue  process with the labour organisations.

IX. Fake cases against lakhs of labourers languishing in jails should be withdrawn and they should be released immediately.


X. A Comprehensive Law for Informal Workers should be enacted extending Core Labour  Standards to all segments of workers – wage labour, self-employed, workers on commons, migrants and platform workers. Such legislation must cover besides other important rights the following: Compulsory Registration of workers and their unions, Compulsory recognition guaranteed through secret ballot, Collective Bargaining right, Grievance redress & Dispute Resolution, social security coverage, the working day to be a maximum of 8 hours and or 48  hours a week with double the rate of wages for overtime and one weekly off day.


2. Migration and Identity 


I. Interstate Workmen Act 1979 should be implemented properly.


II. Voter card, ration card, BPL card and labour card/e-shram card of every labourer should be made immediately. If a worker does not have this card, the factory owner/employer and the Labour Department officials should be made responsible and punished. 

III. If a labourer has any card of any district or state or factory, then it should be considered valid in every district, every state and every factory. A voter card, ration card, BPL card or labour card of one place should be considered valid everywhere. Since workers keep going from one place to another for their work, the schemes related to them should also be considered dynamic and portable. 

IV. Migrant labourers should be registered at the source and destination and provided with necessary facilities and access to government schemes. 


3. Union/ Organisation


I. A union elected by the workers in every factory should be formed immediately. If a union is not registered in a factory, then the Labour Department officials should be punished within three months. Organised or unorganised sector – at least ninety per cent of the workers in every sector should be associated with some union. The Labour Department should be held responsible for this.

IIRegistration of the union should be done within 30 days of the application. Employers should not have any say in this process. Union officials should be considered protected workers from the day of application.

III. In recent years union registrars have arbitrarily cancelled the registration of many unions. Action should be taken against them. The provision of job security for workers participating in union activities should be implemented.


4. Minimum Wage 


I. A national floor wage of at least twenty-six thousand rupees per month should be fixed for unskilled workers to enable them to live a dignified life and take care of their families. In no case, a worker should be paid less than this amount.


II. The minimum wages declared by the governments in every state should be strictly implemented.

III. Working hours should be only eight.


IV. If more than 8 hours of work is done, then the worker should be paid immediately at double the rate. Forced overtime should be stopped. Any move to increase normal working hours should not be accepted. 


5. Comprehensive Social Security System


IA comprehensive social security system should be implemented for all workers.

II. Every worker in the organised or unorganised sector should be immediately registered in PF and ESI. The PF/ESI-related mechanisms should be tightened so that the amounts deducted by the employers from the workers are deposited with the EPFO. In any sector where it is directly or practically difficult for employers and/or workers to contribute, the government itself should be responsible and accountable for it and make such contributions. The salary limits given in ESI and PF laws should be increased.

III. Unutilised funds with ESIC should be rightfully used to start new ESI hospitals and improve the quality of current ESI hospitals. Such funds should not be used as subsidies to the private hospitals. Labour department officials should be held accountable for this. 

IV. Mandatory arrangements for dignified pensions and health insurance should be made for  the workers. Free health check-ups of workers should be conducted every six months by the government/employers and free treatment of diseases or disabilities caused due to work should be provided. Disabled workers should be rehabilitated or compensated with adequate financial security.  

V. Weekly paid leave should be available to all workers. 


6. Contract Labour 


I. Contract labour and casual labour should be stopped, and every labourer engaged in regular work should be given a permanent job. Till then, all principal employers should be held accountable for the wages and safety of all contract and casual workers.


II. Placement agencies and labour supply agencies should be nationalised and licensed. They should be banned if they violate the licence conditions. They should be run through workers’ committees.


III. There should be no discrimination between contract/casual labourers and permanent labourers, and they should be provided equal facilities.


7. Housing 


I. The government should provide free/affordable and dignified housing for every labourer. 

II. Following the orders of the High Court, the government should arrange an adequate number of night shelters for the homeless labourers living in cities as per the population of the city. Facilities should be improved in the existing night shelters. Night and other shelters should be managed through organisations of homeless workers.

III. Under no circumstances should night shelters, labour colonies and slums be demolished or evicted. Basic facilities like water, houses, drains, sanitation, and electricity should be improved in slums.

IV. Common workplaces, entertainment and employment centres should be established in every area.


8. Labour Support System 


I. Labour call centres and labour assistance centres should be established for the workers where they can call for help in case of any trouble or need. 

II. Similarly, Migrant Labour Support Centres should be established for migrant labourers and priority should be given to women labour organisations in running them at source station and  destination also. 

III. The Labour Rights Commission should be formed in the Centre and also in the states which can systematically address the problems of the workers.

IV. Governments, in collaboration with Mahila Gram Sabhas and Mahila Mohalla Sabhas at the  local and district levels, along with functional labour rights forums, should provide work/jobs, social security and training to workers in every assembly constituency.

V. There should be clear and proportionate space and budget provisions for women and workers in the district plan, sector plan, state plan and national plan. 

VI. No. of employees and officers should be suitably increased in the labour department units so that this department can discharge its duties properly. Their role should not be limited to being facilitators for employers. They should be facilitators for the workers and inspectors for the employers.


9. Specific Labour Categories 


I. The 2014 law for street vendors should be implemented immediately and the vending committees should be given the right to make decisions; vendors should not be evicted from any place under any circumstances without completing the survey and registration process as  per the law and the order of the Supreme Court and without providing suitable alternative places. 


  • Policies and laws should be made to make the status of street vendors official and formal. 
  • Provide identity cards and licences to all street vendors. Issue certificate of vending to all surveyed street vendors immediately. Time restrictions on vending in any area should be removed.  
  • All weekly markets should be regularised, and street vendors should be given the right to sell in the main markets. Areas where street vendors are already working should be included in the vending zones. 
  • The Street Vendor Welfare Board should be established at the central and state level. 
  • The street vendors should be provided with all social security benefits including old age pension, unemployment benefits, health care, ESIC and EPF
  • In the city development plans, necessary space and structures should be provided for the operations of street vendors, such as wide footpaths, handcart carriageways, etc.
  • Form Town Vending committees in line with the 2014 law with elected representation of street vendors. TVCs should be formalised. Town Vending Committee Meeting quorum should not be considered complete without street vendors.
  • Mandatory GIS mapping and ensure survey of all the street vendors.  
  • For food street Vendors, mandatory FSSAI training should be arranged by the government.  
  • Frame e-commerce policy for safeguarding street vendors, onboard them on Open Network for Digital Commerce and provide them e-commerce facilitating data.
  • Constitute Grievance Redressal Committees/mechanisms as per the 2014 law.
  • Ensure basic and necessary infrastructure (drinking water, drainage, storage, shed, toilets, electricity etc.) in the vending zones.


II. The police should not harass the waste collectors (Kabaddi Mazdoor) 


  • The central government should immediately bring in a law that obliges state and  local governments to guarantee livelihood, social security, space, and welfare schemes/services to waste collectors. 
  • Waste collectors should be given official recognition. They should be given legal status and government identity cards. Their legal access to waste/garbage should be ensured. In this regard, the Environment Act-related rules of 2016 approved by the government should be implemented. 
  • In every colony/residence, waste collectors should be given space to sort garbage and make compost. Only the waste collectors in the unorganized sector should be  given the right to collect garbage directly from door to door. 
  • Private sector companies should be excluded from the work of collecting garbage/waste directly from door to door. 
  • State governments should setup waste recycling units at the community level and create clean waste disposal centres at the district level. 
  • All existing and proposed waste-to-power plants should be closed due to impracticality, waste of money, toxic pollution and adverse impact on the employment of waste collectors.
  • The government should promote cooperatives of waste collectors/ pickers.
  • The government should provide the necessary equipment to waste pickers, 


III. Rickshaw pullers should be made owners of their rickshaws, there should be freedom to run rickshaws in every area of the city.


  • An adequate number of stands with water/sanitation arrangements should be provided for  rickshaw pullers and fair wage/ fare rates should be fixed. 
  • To promote rickshaws, special subsidies should be given to rickshaw pullers. 
  • Mandatory Accidental insurance to be given to the Rickshaw drivers. Along with this, the maintenance charges for a rickshaw should be incurred by the owners.  
  • All rickshaw drivers should be given licences.  
  • Constitute a welfare board or a statutory body for their rights and welfare. 
  • labour courts and consumer forums should address the grievances of rickshaw drivers  


IV. All sanitation workers should be considered as regular employees. There should be provisions for their health and occupational safety. This work should be removed from the category of caste-based work. Manual scavengers should be freed. Caste-based discrimination, exploitation, and violence against them should be eliminated at every level. Cleaning work should be mechanised, and alternative employment arrangements should be made for traditional cleaning and sanitation workers. The 2013 Act about them should be implemented in letter and spirit. 


V. The rights of workers should not be reduced under MGNREGA. This right should apply to the  workers of every village in the country. The wage ratio should be increased in its budget and the existing wage ratio should be ensured at the Gram Panchayat level.


  • Wage rates in MNREGA should be linked to the dignified standard of living of MNREGA workers and increased up to Rs 600 per day. In no case should it be less than the minimum wage rate. 
  • The delay in payment to MNREGA workers and the delay in payment of unemployment allowance should not happen at any cost and the concerned officials should be punished immediately for any delay. To ensure that the effect of this delay has less effect on the  workers, thirty days’ wages should be given to them in advance. 
  • The restriction on the number of working days in MNREGA should be removed. Labourers  seeking work should be given work for the whole year or at least three hundred days, especially in the areas affected by drought and flood etc. 
  • Every adult in the family should be considered as an independent labourer or cardholder. 
  • At the Panchayat level, monitoring committees should be formed under the leadership of  labourers and socially deprived people, and they should be authorized to investigate MNREGA implementation. 
  • The budget of MNREGA should be increased by twenty-five per cent every year.
  • Women labourers should be given a fifty per cent share in the appointment of MNREGA. 
  • Provisions for the care and nutrition of pregnant women and children should be ensured at the workplace. Paid maternity leave should also be provided to women labourers. 
  • A lot of government food grains get spoiled due to a lack of proper storage. Therefore, immediately after the government procurement of grains, the year’s grains should be distributed among the MNREGA workers and later payment should be taken in instalments from their wages. This will save the government’s storage expenses and the workers will have food security throughout the year. 


VI. Construction workers should be appropriately benefited by the tripartite board. 


  • The 1996 law related to construction workers should be implemented in the right spirit. Brokers should be excluded from this process, 
  • The Labour Department should be held accountable for the registration of every labourer and their renewal, and its time limit should be fixed. Registration portals should be always functional. A 90-day certificate of work given by registered trade unions should be acceptable. 
  • Registration of fake construction workers on this board should be stopped.
  • Thousands of crores of rupees deposited in the welfare boards for about ten crore construction workers of the country should be used following the spirit and provisions of the law providing direct benefits to the construction workers. They should not be diverted for other purposes.
  • Labour Addas should be regularised, and they should be provided with minimum civic amenities like drinking water, toilets, shade and night shelters.
  • Under the new Labour Code, efforts to weaken the state Construction Workers Welfare Board should be stopped. No anti-labour changes should be made in the old structure of this board. 


VII. Domestic Workers should be brought under the ambit of minimum wage law everywhere and  should be included in the schedule.


  • For their social security, a tripartite board and a new comprehensive national law should be introduced to regulate their employment and working conditions and make placement agencies accountable. Through a single smart card, social security benefits should be ensured to those working at different times in different states.  
  • Dignified wage rates for domestic workers should be fixed and declaration forms or income tax forms from domestic workers should be used to verify proper payment.
  • Domestic Workers are not included in the 4 Labour Code as a labourer. They should be included.  
  • Employer’s Home should be recognised as Workplace (establishment) for Domestic Workers and Workplace safety norms should be implemented in case of Non Payment of Wages or any type of Physical or Sexually abuse conducted against Domestic Workers. Domestic workers should be allowed to use the toilets at their employer’s residence or workplace.  
  • No Child Labour should be in the Domestic Work and Ban should be properly implemented.  
  • Domestic workers, Placement Agencies and Employers should be Registered in the Labour Department. 
  • Annual contributions from domestic workers, employers and placement agencies and a 1% house tax can be collected for the social security fund of domestic workers.
  • Establish a grievances cell at the local, district, state and national level for domestic workers and ensure adequate communication to DWs about it. Also, create a dedicated and effective helpline for domestic workers. 


VIII. The Bonded Labour Abolition Act should be strictly implemented. Strict punitive action  should be taken immediately against those who employ bonded labour. Those earning less than the minimum wage declared by the government and working based on some advance should be considered bonded labour. The government, in collaboration with the National  Human Rights Commission and social organisations, should conduct a comprehensive survey about bonded labour and complete the identification, liberation and rehabilitation of bonded labourers. Information about the number of people punished so far under the Bonded Labour Abolition Act should be regularly made public. To ensure the livelihood of the freed bonded labourers, the prescribed rehabilitation grant amount should be increased to a dignified and practical level. The capacity of the National Human Rights Commission should be increased to monitor the necessary mechanisms at the state and district level to implement this law. 


IX. Proper arrangements for accommodation, water and toilets/cleanliness should be ensured in the labour camps of brick kilns.


  • In brick kiln work, payment should be made on a time basis instead of piece-rate payment. Every member of the family (men and women) working in brick kilns should be paid as an independent worker and not as a family. 
  • Child labour in brick kiln work should be abolished. Education, Anganwadi and nutrition programs should be ensured separately for the children of the workers working there. 


X. Land should be distributed among agricultural labourers and landless and they should be made owners of the land. A minimum wage in cash should be implemented in the agriculture sector as well. The welfare schemes made for tea garden workers and beedi workers should be extended to them in real terms. 


XI. Proper care of the families of sugarcane cutters, timely payments for their fair wages and social security should be ensured for them. Basic facilities of water, toilets, childcare and schooling should be arranged at their camps. 

10. Natural resources


The rights of the original inhabitants and communities dependent on  natural resources of water, forests and land should be given priority. Forest communities should be provided immediate real benefits through the Forest Rights Act. The rights of forest labourers should be acknowledged. The eviction of tribals and poor farmers from their land by corporate companies in  the name of private public partnership and industrial development should be stopped. The use of  police and security forces in this plunder and eviction of land should end. The share of workers, Dalits and tribals on natural resources should be ensured. The rights of traditional fishermen, instead of private companies, on fishing should be ensured.


11. Women Workers 


I. Women workers should be given equal wages as men workers. 

II. There should be proper provisions for their safety at the workplace. 

III. There should be proper provisions for paid maternity leave and other benefits for women workers engaged in all sectors (including MNREGA). 

IV. Appropriate action should be taken immediately at every level to end all types of violence, harassment, and discrimination against women workers. 

V. Laws against sexual violence should be strictly implemented in every workplace and strict action should be taken against the concerned employers and officials in case the relevant committees are not formed functional. 

VI. There should be provision of separate toilet facilities for women and childcare facilities at workplaces. Security and transportation should be provided to women while commuting to duty. 

VII. Anganwadi workers and associates, mid-day meal workers, Asha workers, etc. should be given the status of workers/employees and dignified wages and working conditions should be ensured as per labour laws. 


12. There should be adequate monitoring of industries and workplaces for strict adherence to the health protection measures of workers. In case of an accident at the workplace, compensation should be paid within a week of the incident. During the duty days, if the worker dies outside the workplace (residence or elsewhere), the worker’s family should be provided compensation within 10 days of the incident. Otherwise, an FIR should be lodged automatically on the concerned labour commissioner/officer. 


13. An urban employment guarantee law (like MNREGA) should be made for urban poor labourers. 


14. The increasing use of Artificial Intelligence has started influencing jobs in the organised and unorganised sectors. The government should come out with a plan which ensures that anyone losing  a job due to artificial intelligence or new technology, will be skilled to work with artificial intelligence or with the new technology and will be guaranteed rehabilitation.


15Gig and platform workers (in companies like Ola, Uber, Amazon, Blinkit, Urban Clap, Zomato, Swiggy etc.) who are termed as partners by the companies, should be given the status of workers, and the management of the companies should be held responsible for the rights and welfare of these workers.


  • Separate tripartite welfare boards should be created for gig and platform workers with representation from their organisation. 
  • Make a specific law focusing on platform-based gig workers. 
  • Gig workers should be ensured of a minimum wage for their log-in hours. 
  • Management should not block their cards arbitrarily without notice and domestic enquiry.
  • In the warehouses, part-time workers should be ensured of at least 200 days of work.  
  • Women should not be harassed and should be provided adequate and convenient restrooms and sitting facilities. Targets should be practical and suitable to mental and physical capacity.
  • A  Diwali/ festival bonus should be given and employees must be compensated for duty-related accidents.  


16. Regarding education and health, there should be equal and free provision for every citizen (and their children) in society, whether one is a worker or a capitalist, rich or poor. The dual education system and dual health system should be abolished. 


17. The public distribution system of ration, oil, pulses etc. should be strengthened and the food security law should be implemented properly. 


18. Workers who lost many months of wage and their livelihood due to lockdowns imposed by the government during the COVID-19 period have not yet been compensated for the loss of their earnings. They must be provided adequate compensation at the earliest.  


19. Controls on Capitalists/ Industrialists


I. The exemption of lakhs of crores of rupees given every year in the budget to the rich classes should be withdrawn and it should be spent for the welfare of the working people. 

II. Corporate tax should be increased, and the income generated from it should be spent on the provisions of social security for workers. 

III. GST should be abolished on essential commodities and services. 

IV. Foreign companies and foreign investment should have very limited space if needed at all. 

V. There should be a ban on privatisation of public sector or government sector companies, corporations and services.

VI. The private sector should be made accountable for labour rights and universal human rights. 

VII. Every business/industrial unit should be audited by auditors appointed by workers and with full participation of workers to check compliance with labour laws. 

VIII. In the new labour laws, the facility of self-certification given to the owners in most of  the cases should be abolished and the labour department should be strengthened for investigation. 

IX. Reservations in the jobs (both, contract and regular) and supply chain in the private sector and public sector should be ensured for the socially marginalised communities and women. 


20. The government should ratify and implement various suggestions/conferences of the  International Labour Organization. The Government of India should fully implement ILO Convention 87 (right to form unions or organizations) and Convention 98 (right to collective demands  and agreements), implement Convention 189 on Decent Work and Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour. According to Convention 81, an appropriate number of labour inspectors should be appointed. 


21. Climate change and changes in the environment are adversely affecting the livelihood of the working people. In the future, the impact of floods, drought, unseasonal rains, landslides, sea erosion etc. on the lives of workers will increase. Due to the pollution of the environment and indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources by profit-seeking industrialists, the employment and livelihood of the present and future generations of workers will be affected.


  • Therefore, instead of symbolic actions, governments should do serious work for environmental protection and make appropriate changes in their development policies.
  • Complete safety of workers engaged in polluting work should be guaranteed. 
  • In industries where the transition to green technology is taking place, the jobs and other rights of workers should be protected. 
  • In line with the COP28 organised recently in Dubai, loss and damages caused to the common people due to climatic conditions in the country should be adequately compensated. 


22. In the platform of the General Assembly of the United Nations, a general acceptance and  commitment by all the governments of the world has been expressed on Sustainable  Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. However, governments will have to show their seriousness towards these goals through concrete actions. And these will be closely monitored by labour organizations. Labour organizations also feel that the Seventeen Goals framework lacks clarity about ensuring workers’ rights and that sustainable and equitable development is not possible without workers’ rights. The private sector and governments must be accountable for the decent work mentioned in Sustainable Development Goal. Governments should present their action plans as soon as possible to establish equal ownership of production by treating workers as equal partners instead of treating them as tools of production. 


23. Repression of labour movements, and movements of students, youth, farmers, women, Dalits, tribals and other people’s movements should end immediately, and democratic rights of expression, association and dissent should be protected. The right to peaceful protest near factory gates and in industrial areas should be acknowledged and police interference in such situations should stop.


24. The labour organizations urge immediate action from governments and other institutions to end  the atmosphere of communal tension in the country, fascist and dictatorial trends, attacks on the rights of minorities, killings of social workers fighting against superstitions, and the campaign by some conservative elements to take the country back to the ancient barbarian era.




Only by increasing consciousness and collectivism among the working class about their dignity and rights can the existing Parliament and laws be activated more to work for the working class. By following a non-violent, democratic and constitutional path, the labour movement can inspire parliamentarians and politicians to think and work on their collective demands. 


While fully respecting the old methods of unionisation and taking full pride in the achievements of the old labour movements, there is a need to organise the labour movement afresh and in new ways. 


The class which is not organised and does not raise its voice with collective power, does not get its  rights. It does not even get respect. 


Unity and collectivism are the basic mantras of today. Only through this can the voice of the working class be strengthened. 


For this, it is necessary that all the workers and their organisations, other social organisations sympathising with the workers and social workers, students and youth, and people from the middle class who like democracy and justice, reduce their ideological differences, and raise their voices together that we can create such a just and pro-worker India. We want an India where workers are  respected, workers get their due rights and their full participation in the country’s democracy is ensured. The development of the country should not be through their exploitation, and they should  also get full benefits of the country’s development. Only when workers get respect and full human rights in the country, India will be able to get more respect in the world.


Let us keep alive the vision of a society based on the dignity of labour where there is no exploitation, oppression or discrimination and where all respect each other and the fruits of development are shared equally with all.


Long live the unity and dignity of workers

National Alliance for Labour Rights 


In Partnership with


  1. Akhil Bhartiya MNREGA Mazdoor Union 
  2. All India Union of Forest Working People 
  3. All India Workers Council  
  4. All India Kabadi Mazdoor Mahasangh  
  5. All India Hawkers Federation, Bihar 
  6. All Rajasthan Safai Karmchari Mazdoor Sangathan 
  7. Amazon India Workers Association 
  8. Asangathit Kamgar Mazdoor Union, Uttar Pradesh 
  9. Asangathit Kshetra Kamgar Sangathan, Bihar 
  10. Asangathit Kamgar Kalyan Sangh
  11. Basti Suraksha Manch  
  12. Beghar Mazdoor Sangharsh Samiti 
  13. BOC Workers Federation of India, U P 
  14. Brick Kiln and Construction Workers Union, Punjab 
  15. CityMakers Mission International 
  16. Dalit Adivasi Shakti Adhikar Manch 
  17. Delhi Shramik Sangathan  
  18. Delhi Municipal Employees Unity Centre 
  19. Delhi Waste Picker Workers Federation 
  20. Dihadi Mazdoor Sangathan, U P 
  21. Domestic Workers Unorganised Labour Union, Jharkhand
  22. Domestic Workers Network, Haryana 
  23. Domestic Workers Forum, Delhi 
  24. Federation of Rickshaw Pullers Associations 
  25. Gig Workers Association 
  26. Hawkers Joint Action Committee 
  27. Healthcare Workers and Technologists Union, 
  28. Kachara Kamgar Union 
  29. Karanveer Eknath Awad Ustod Kamgar Sangathan, Maharashtra
  30. Kranti Mahila Asangathit Kamgar Union, Maharashtra
  31. Majur Ekta Manch, Gujrat  
  32. Mazdoor Adhikar Manch, Bihar 
  33. Mewat Carvan, Haryana  
  34. MNREGA Mazdoor Ekta Manch, Haryana 
  35. Nirman Mazdoor Adhikar Abhiyan 
  36. Nirman Mazdoor Sangathan, Maharashtra  
  37. Prawasi Shramik Adhikar Manch, U P 
  38. Prawasi Jan Manch, Delhi  
  39. Rajasthan Nirman Mazdoor Panchayat Sangathan 
  40. Rashtriya Mazdoor Kisan Manch, Haryana 
  41. Shahari Mahila Kamgar Union 
  42. Social Security Now 
  43. Women Garment Workers Association 


(Contact: nalrights@gmail.com, Phone 9871484549,)



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