Unprecedented Global Solidarity with Palestinians on November 29

  • November 30, 2023

On the International Day in Solidarity with the Palestinian People, on November 29, people across the world expressed their solidarity demanding immediate complete cease-fire in Gaza and a fully liberated Palestine.


November 30, 2023 by Groundxero


Every year, November 29 marks the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. It’s a day to remember that the Palestinian people have not yet attained certain inalienable rights, including national independence and sovereignty.


On November 29, 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 (II). This resolution became known as the Partition Resolution. It called for the establishment of a Jewish State and an Arab State in Palestine. Following that, Israel became a country in 1948. But, an Arab state was never formed.


In 1977, the UN General Assembly called for the annual observance of the resolution on the partition of Palestine in 1947. The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People serves as a reminder that the question regarding the Palestinian people and Palestine has yet to be resolved.


2023 marked the 75th anniversary of the mass displacement of Palestinians known as “the Nakba” or “the Catastrophe”. Since 1947, when the United Nations partitioned Palestine, resolutions after resolutions have been brought up in the UN General Assembly, Security Council and other fora to address and find a resolution to the decades of occupation, apartheid, and colonization of Palestine. In the words of the Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres:


‘The decades-long Palestinian struggle for self-determination, independence and a life of dignity faces numerous obstacles, including: continued military occupation of Palestinian territory; ongoing violence and incitement; continued settlement construction and expansion; deep uncertainties about the peace process; and deteriorating humanitarian and economic conditions, particularly in Gaza.’


Currently, Israel backed by the US is waging one of the most violent genocidal wars on Palestine in decades, which has so far claimed at least 15,000 lives in Gaza, including 6,150 children and 4,000 women, in less than 50 days. So, standing in international solidarity with Palestinians is more crucial than ever, and the international community has shown unprecedented solidarity with Palestinians in their struggle against genocide, for freedom, self-determination, and the right of return to their homeland.


This year, on November 29 (Wednesday), peoples around the world held actions in solidarity with the Palestinian people against the backdrop of genocidal war in the Gaza Strip. On Thursday, Israel and Hamas had agreed to extend a fragile truce that started on November 24 for another day. Below, we compiled some of the reported solidarity actions.


United Nations commemorate International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People


An exhibit entitled “Palestine – a Land with a People,” was inaugurated on November 29, 2023 and will remain on display at UNHQ in the Visitors’ Lobby in New York until January 8th 2023. The exhibit commemorates the Palestinian Nakba (meaning catastrophe), which took place during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. This exhibit showcases photographs, videos and art depicting different episodes in the Palestinian journey before, during, and after the Nakba, when more than half of the Palestinian people were expelled from, or fled their homes during violence and war from 1947 to 1949. It serves as a reminder that close to 6 million Palestinians remain refugees to this day, scattered throughout the region. Hundreds of thousands of these refugees have experienced an additional forced displacement while thousands were killed, during the ongoing 2023 Gaza war, amid a situation described by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres as a “humanitarian catastrophe”. “Almost 1.7 million people have been forced from their homes – but nowhere is safe,” he said, while also warning that “the situation in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, risks boiling over.”

UN Photo: Barefoot and pushing their belongings in prams and carts, Arab families leave the coastal town of Jaffa which became part of the greater Tel Aviv area in the state of Israel.


Palestinians and Arabs marked the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people with rallies and marches held in several Palestinian cities. In Ramallah, hundreds of Palestinians from nationalist and Islamic forces, trade unions, civil society organizations, participated in marches, calling on the United Nations to assume its responsibilities, play its role, and implement its decisions related to Palestine.

In Ramallah, thousands participated in marches calling on the United Nations to implement its decisions related to Palestine.


In Morocco, the Moroccan Front against Normalization and in Support of Palestine called for actions demanding #FreePalestine in 17 cities, including Rabat, Tetuan, Tanger, Houceima, Khenifra, and others.


Protesters in Beirut held a demonstration in support of Palestinians in Gaza, to mark the Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people.


The Workers’ Party of Tunisia joined a massive mobilization in Tunis in solidarity with Palestine on November 29. In a statement, the Party denounced “Zionist colonialism, which is pillaging and violating a homeland, violating the dignity of a people, and challenging the conscience of the world with a barbaric war of extermination, with the shameless support of global imperialism, led by American and European imperialism, and regional reactionaries, foremost of which are the puppet Arab regimes.”


The port city of Karachi in Pakistan witnessed a huge rally by civil society groups and organizations on Wednesday, in support of Palestinians in Gaza. The participants of the civil society rally demanded immediate and complete cease-fire in Gaza.

People hold a big Palestinian flag during a rally against Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, on International Palestinian Solidarity Day, in Karachi on November 29, 2023.


The students of Dhaka University on Wednesday brought out a massive “March for Palestine” at the campus. Several hundred students joined the solidarity program.

Photo courtesy: Mehedi Hasan/Dhaka Tribune


Solidarity rallies were also held in Manila, Tokyo and other cities. In Manila, the capital of the Philippines, a thousand workers, women and youth  joined a march near the presidential palace to call for a permanent ceasefire.

Members of women’s rights groups hold signs supporting Palestine during a rally in Quezon City, Metro Manila, in the Philippines. [Rolex Dela Pena/EPA]

Demonstrators in Tokyo, Japan demand a stop to the war in Gaza. [David Mareuil/Anadolu]

Thousands of people demonstrate on the streets of Johannesburg in South Africa, on November 29 2023, marching through the city to mark the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Last week, a majority of South African lawmakers voted in favour of a motion calling for the closure of Israel’s embassy and the suspension of diplomatic relations due to the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza.


A group of protesters demonstrated in London to “shut down” the Fisher German property consultancy company for its ties to Israeli-owned weapons manufacturer Elbit Systems. The crowd, carrying Palestinian flags, accused Fisher German of renting sites to Elbit Systems, which they accused of “committing​​​​​​​ genocide.”


Activists from the British tenants’ union and housing rights platform ACORN organized blockades in front of the offices of three arms companies that are involved in supplying arms to Israel.


In Italy, students at various universities occupied campuses and staged demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine.

Students at the University of Milan, Italy, wave Palestinian flags and hold a banner reading, ‘Out Israel and military from the University’. [Piero Cruciatti/Anadolu]

Solidarity protests also took place in Sweden, Poland and other European countries.

People holding banners and Palestinian flags stage a protest against Israeli attacks on Gaza in front of the Israeli embassy in Stockholm, Sweden.


In Poland


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