Category : Labour

221 results were found for the search for Labour

Police crackdown on Maruti workers on the eve of “Manesar Chalo” rally

Manesar, 30 January:   Today at around 11 am Manesar police coming in large number picked up around 100 Maruti workers from their dharna site which is continuing since 18 September 2024. The tents, placards and other stuffs were demolished. Later, the workers were taken far from Manesar to Pataudi by bus and released, but […]

Arrest of Trade Union leader Baccha Singh: CASR calls it “a crackdown on activists to intimidate or jail them without material evidence”

CAMPAIGN AGAINST STATE REPRESSION (CASR) has condemned the arbitrary arrest of the trade union leader Baccha Singh, calling his arrest as part of a crackdown on anti-displacement, labour, farmer and student activists to intimidate or jail them without material evidence, in a bid to suppress the people’s growing demand of a just and better society. […]

Thousands of Non-Permanent Workers of Maruti Demand Permanent Jobs

More than three thousand non-permanent (contract, trainee, apprentice, TW, CW, MST etc.) workers who have worked and are working in Maruti Suzuki plants in Gurgaon-Manesar gathered for a mass meeting in Gurgaon to demand permanent jobs, equal pay and salary increase.   5th January 2025   In a significant move, more than three thousand erstwhile […]

Justice for Those Who Clean the Nation

On 28th December, 2024, Saturday, more than hundreds of manual scavengers engaged in sewers and septic tank workers, and several families of the victims who had died in the line of duty on the practice of manual scavengers gathered for the public hearing conducted by the Dalit Adivasi Shakti Adhikar Manch along with various organisations and […]

Starbucks Workers Launch Five Days Of Strikes in Three U.S. Cities

The strike at Starbucks comes as Amazon workers are also striking at multiple delivery hubs across U.S. over the e-commerce giant’s refusal to engage in contract negotiations with their union.   Groundxero | Dec. 20, 2024   Starbucks workers launched five days of strikes across cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, and Seattle in the United States on […]

Teamsters Union Launches ‘Largest Strike Against Amazon in US History’

“We are fighting against a vicious union-busting campaign, and we are going to win,” said one Amazon warehouse worker.   By Jake Johnson Dec 19, 2024   The Teamsters launched what the union described as “the largest strike against Amazon in U.S. history” on Thursday morning to protest the e-commerce behemoth’s unlawful refusal to bargain with organized drivers […]

উত্তরাখন্ডে ডলফিন কোম্পানির সাত শ্রমিক আমরণ অনশনে : উদাসীন বিজেপির ডবল ইঞ্জিন সরকার, কোম্পানি কর্তৃপক্ষ, সংবাদমাধ্যম

সরকার, শ্রম বিভাগ, কোম্পানি মালিকের শ্রমিক স্বার্থ বিরোধী কার্যকলাপের বিরুদ্ধে চার জন মহিলা ও তিন জন পুরুষ শ্রমিক গত ২৫ দিন ধরে আমরণ অনশন করছেন। অনশনরত মহিলা শ্রমিকদের অবস্থা অত্যন্ত আশঙ্কাজনক। উদাসীন বিজেপির ডবল ইঞ্জিন সরকার, কোম্পানি কর্তৃপক্ষ ও সংবাদমাধ্যমের উপেক্ষা সত্তেও শ্রমিকরা হকের লড়াই চালিয়ে যাচ্ছেন। গ্রাউন্ডজিরোর প্রতিবেদন।   Groundxero | Nov. 12, 2024   উত্তরাখন্ডের রুদ্রপুরের […]

‘Join a Union’: Boeing Workers Ratify Contract With Over 43% Wage Hike

Aircraft giant Boeing’s factory workers have called off their seven weeks-long strike on November 5. Nearly 59 per cent of the employees voted in favour of accepting the new contract that includes a 43.65% wage increase over four years—a significant improvement over the 25% increase that the aerospace giant offered in September. “Strikes work,” labor journalist Kim […]

Workplaces in India are death-trap: At least 15 workers died at workplace in Gujarat alone in October

Countless lives of workers are lost or irreversibly altered due to inadequate occupational safety measures and hazardous working conditions in factories, construction sites, fire-cracker manufacturing units, mines or while cleaning sewage. In three fatal accidents at workplaces in Gujarat, at least 15 workers have reportedly died and many injured so far in the month of October […]

‘Chalo IMT Manesar’: Terminated Maruti Workers’ Protest Program

A day-long program ‘Chalo IMT Manesar’ was organised in support of over one-month long retrenched Maruti workers’ struggle demanding their reinstatement by the company. These workers were terminated twelve years back following a violent incident inside the Manesar plant. The dismissed workers were later acquitted by the court.    Groundxero | October 18, 2024   Maruti Suzuki […]

The Ongoing Workers’ Struggles Across Sectors in India : Solidarity Meeting

Labour activists, journalists, writers and lawyers, under a group named ‘Delhi for Workers’, organised a solidarity meeting for the ongoing workers’ struggles across sectors in India at the Press Club of India, New Delhi, to highlight these significant struggles, and inviting members of the press and concerned citizens to know and write more about these […]

কর্পোরেট কর্ম সংস্কৃতি অথবা আত্মহত্যার সাদামাটা গল্প

সেবাস্টিয়ানদের মৃত্যু আজ আবার কর্পোরেট কর্মীদের সামনে তাদের অস্তিত্বের স্বার্থে কিছু গুরুতর প্রশ্ন সামনে এনেছে। সময়ের দাবি এগুলো নিয়ে ভাবনা চিন্তা করা, শ্রেণি চেতনায় সংগঠিত হয়ে বাকি শ্রমজীবী মানুষের সঙ্গে লড়াইয়ের ময়দানে হাজির হওয়া। লিখলেন সুমন কল্যাণ মৌলিক।   এই ভয়ংকর ছুটে চলা জীবনে তরুন সাক্সেনা নামটি সম্ভবত অতীতের খাতায় চলে গেছে। কয়েকদিন আগে উত্তরপ্রদেশের […]

‘Corporate Greed vs. Workers Rights’: Dockworkers in U.S. Go on Strike

It’s the first strike at the three dozen East and Gulf Coast ports in U.S. from Maine to Texas since 1977 with thousands of port workers forming picket lines from Massachusetts to Texas demanding higher pay rise and protection against automation of jobs, among other benefits.   Groundxero | October 3, 2024   Dockworkers at East and […]

Retrenched Maruti workers’ Struggle Continues in Manesar, Hunger Strike Announced

A ‘Mazdoor Sabha’ was organised in Manesar on 30 September by the Maruti workers, who were terminated from jobs in 2012. The retrenched workers declared to intensify their protests in the coming days and to start a hunger strike from 10 October 2024 if they are not reinstated by the company.   Groundxero | October 1, 2024 […]