Kisan Mazdoor Maha Panchayat at Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan calls for a United People’s Movement

  • March 14, 2024

The Letter of Resolution / Sankalp Patra adopted at the Kisan Mazdoor Maha Panchayat appealed to all the mass and class organisations of all the sections of the people to convert the ongoing farmers and workers struggle as a United People’s Movement to protect people’s livelihood and the Constitution of India. The Maha Panchayat appealed to the people to punish BJP for atrocities unleashed on the democratic, secular and federal character of Indian Republic.



Groundxero| March 14, 2024


The historic Ram Lila Maidan in Delhi from where once the slogan ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan’ was raised was flooded today with sewerage water to prevent farmers and workers from sitting down. Trains and buses carrying farmers to Delhi were deliberately delayed. Still, thousands of farmers, agriculture workers and rural people participated in the All India Kisan Mazdoor Maha Panchayat held today at the Ram Lila Ground at Delhi on 14th March 2024. Farmers from states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, parts of Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh participated massively at the Kisan Mazdoor Maha Panchayat at Ramlila Maidan while there was representation and nominal participation from other distant states.


The Maha Panchayat was called by Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) to adopt Sankalp Patra or Letter of Resolution to intensify the fight against the pro corporate, communal, dictatorial policies of the Modi Government; to fight to save farming, food security, livelihood and the people from corporate loot.


The representatives of the Joint Platform of the Central Trade Unions, other Trade Unions, Sectoral Federations and Associations also participated in the Maha Panchayat to present a united face of farmers and workers platforms before the people of the emerging unity in struggle on people’s issues. Numerous mass and class organizations, unions of workers, student, youth and women joined the farmers at Ram Lila ground.


The Letter of Resolution / Sankalp Patra adopted by the National Coordination Committee of SKM was ratified by thousands of farmers, workers and all sections of the people assembled at the Kisan Mazdoor Maha Panchayat through raising of their hands. The Resolution appealed to all the mass and class organisations of all the sections of the people to convert the ongoing farmers and workers struggle as a United People’s Movement to protect the livelihood and the Constitution of India. The Maha Panchayat appealed to unleash massive and strong protest against BJP across the country under the banner of United People’s Movement.


The Maha Panchayat issued a call to observe 23rd March 2024 as Save Democracy Day from the threat of money and muscle power in all villages across India to protest the BJP giving Kheri Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh to the alleged murderer of Lakhimpur Kheri farmers, Ajay Mishra Teni thus, expose the corporate-criminal-corrupt nexus that control BJP. The Kisan Mazdoor Maha Panchayat also appealed to the people to punish BJP for atrocities unleashed on the democratic, secular and federal character of Indian Republic.


The copy of the Letter of Resolution / Sankalp Patra is published here.


Letter of Resolution / Sankalp Patra Against the Corporate, Communal, Dictatorial Regime


SKM Calls for —


  1. Countrywide Mass Protest Against BJP




– for not implementing the agreement with SKM dated 9.12.2021 regarding MSP@C2+50% with guaranteed procurement to all crops, Comprehensive Loan Waiver for farmers despite 1,00,474 farmers committed suicide (2014-2022), Rapid Privatisation of Electricity, Protecting the Ajay Mishar Teni, Union (MoS) Home Affairs – the Killer of Farmers at Lakhimpur Kheri.


– Against Killing of farmer Shubhkaran Singh and unleashing State Repression on Farmers Struggle- Demands Resignation of Amit Shah, the Union Home Minister, Judicial Enquiry, Register FIR against Amit Shah, M L Khattar, Anil Vij under section 302 of IPC


– Against Atrocities Unleashed on the Democratic, Secular and Federal Character of Indian Republic


  1. Convert the Ongoing Farmers and Workers Struggle as a United People’s Movement to Protect Livelihood from Corporate Loot and Protect the Secular Democratic Constitution of India-


Appeal for Massive Protest against BJP Across the Country under the banner of United People’s Movement – Forms of Protest action to be decided at State Level in consultation with the Mass and Class Organisations


  1. Observe 23rd March 24 as Save Democracy from the Threat of Money and Muscle Power Day in all villages to Protest BJP giving Kheri seat to the alleged killer of Lakhimpur Kheri farmers, Ajay Mishra Teni Union (MoS) Home and expose the Corporate-Criminal- Corrupt nexus under BJP


Dear farmers, workers and people of the country


We the farmers, workers and all sections of the people of this country assembled in this Kisan Mazdoor Maha Panchayat convened by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha adopt the Letter of Resolution / Sankalp Patra to intensify the fight against the corporate, communal, dictatorial policies of the Union Government tooth and nail to save farming, food security, land and livelihood of the people from corporate loot.


The Modi Government led by BJP has become the ever-aggressive anti- farmer, anti-worker regime in India for its consistent onslaught on the income and livelihood of these basic producing classes of the country. This anti-people regime in the last ten years has been working as the agents of the corporate forces both foreign and domestic to privatise and loot the national assets including the vast sector of public sector enterprises — including airline, railways, seaports, insurance, bank, power — land, water, forest among others.


In the name of “Development/ Vikas” the Modi Government has denied MSP@C2+50% to all crops with guaranteed procurement thus violating the promise made in the BJP manifesto of 2014 General Election while it has reduced corporate tax from 30% to the range of 22%-15%.


The withdrawal of subsidies made cost of production skyrocketed and denial of remunerative income along with the corporatisation of crop insurance under PMFBY – corporate Insurance companies has looted Rs.57000 crore since 2017 – deeply indebted farmers and agriculture workers. But Modi Government did not give any single rupee as loan waiver to farmers despite 1,00, 474 farmers committed suicide during 2014-22. However, the big Corporate Houses received loan waivers for a whopping Rs 14.68 lakh crore during 2014-23.


Above all, after signing the written agreement with the SKM on 9th December 2021 due to the sacrifice of lakhs of farmers including 736 martyrs who have waged a pitched battle of 13 months in the borders of Delhi, the Modi Government unscrupulously refused to implement the assurances on MSP, Loan Waiver, No Privatisation of Electricity among others during the last 26 months.


The SKM hand in hand with the joint platform of central trade unions have organised the first ever all India worker-farmer convention at Talkatora stadium New Delhi on 24th August 2024, adopted 21-point demand charter including repeal of 4 labour codes, no privatisation of public sector enterprises, education, health, Rs.26000 per month as statutory minimum wage to workers, 200 days of work and Rs.600 per day as wage with adequate allocation to protect MNREGS, stop unemployment, control price rise, establish crop insurance scheme under public sector among others. As part of the struggle on 3rd October 23 Black Day, 26-28 November 23 Mahapadav in front of Raj Bhawan, 26 January 2024 Tractor Parade at districts and 16 February 2024 as Industrial/ Sectoral Strike and Grameen Bharat Bandh were organised with massive participation under the worker-farmer unity.


Instead of undertaking discussions and resolving the genuine demands of the most important two producing classes, the Modi regime has protected the lynchpin conspirator of the murder of Lakhimpur Kheri farmers and the Union (MOS) Home Ajay Mishra Teni and now has again given him a ticket to contest from Kheri seat to Lok Sabha, thus exposing the Corporate Corruption-Criminal Nexus that controls the BJP. The Modi Regime through its Haryana govt has unleashed brutal state repression on farmers’ struggle and killed farmer Shubhkaran Singh at Khanauri border on 21st February 2024. SKM has demanded judicial enquiry against police firing, resignation of Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Haryana CM ML Khattar and State HM Anil Vij and a named FIR against all the above and others responsible for the state repression under section 302 IPC. Eventually the ML Khattar Government was forced to resign.


The naked violation of the agreement with the SKM dated 9.12.2021 signed after 13 months long historical farmers struggle, the brutal state repression as well as the protection of Ajay Mishra Teni, expose the Modi Regime as the most unreliable and non-trustable regime India ever had. This is the context of this Kisan Mazdoor Maha Panchayat that has to declare the future plan of action of how to intensify the ongoing struggle to achieve the genuine demands of the farmers as well as the workers.


In the context of the forthcoming declaration of the general election to the Lok Sabha, the Modi Regime eventually will be ceased as a caretaker administration. People cannot expect anything good to deliver for farmers and workers if they elect BJP again. In a democracy the people are the supreme and now the situation has developed to the extent that the people of India have to emerge as the real political power to fight and push back the corporate power from the corridors of state power in order to protect the livelihood of the basic producing classes and protect the democratic secular Constitution of India.


This Letter of Resolution / Sankalp Patra against the corporate, communal, dictatorial regime appeals to all the mass and class organisations of all the sections of the people to convert the ongoing farmers and workers struggle as a United People’s Movement to protect the livelihood and the Constitution of India.


The Maha Panchayat appeals to unleash massive and strong protest against BJP across the country under the banner of United People’s Movement.


The Maha Panchayat calls to observe 23rd March 2024 as Save Democracy from the threat of Money and Muscle Power Day in all villages across India to protest the BJP giving Kheri seat to the alleged murderer of Lakhimpur Kheri farmers, Ajay Mishra Teni thus, expose the Corporate-Criminal- Corrupt nexus that control BJP.


The Maha Panchayat appeals to the people to punish BJP for atrocities unleashed on the Democratic, Secular and Federal Character of Indian Republic.


Adopted by the National Coordination Committee of SKM


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