Tag : academics

2 results were found for the search for academics

An Academy of Chowkidars: Caste and Gatekeeping at IIT Kanpur

If academia is going to take itself seriously it must first prove itself capable of exorcising its own demons, starting with the spectre of caste-based discrimination, writes Umar Sathe.     On April 1, 2019 The Indian Express reported that the Senate of the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur (IITK) has voted to revoke […]

The Rechristening of UGC, or the Birth of HECI

On 27 June 2018, the Human Resources Development Ministry of the Government of India announced that it would repeal the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act and introduce a new regulatory body for higher education called the Higher Education Commission of India (HECI). This announcement has received intense critique from a faction of the Indian academic world. Prof. V. […]